Take a peek inside our classroom : )

Monday, November 28, 2011

picture day is coming up

Picture day is on Wednesday, November 30. Students are allowed to wear free dress IF they are taking pictures. If you are not ordering pictures send your child in uniform.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Shinning Light

Melvin Henry was chosen for shinning light this week. He has been working really hard to do his kindergarten best! I'm very proud of him!

Reading Buddies

Yesterday we had special guest in our room. Mrs. Martin's 5th grade class came in to read a story. Each 5th grader was paired with a kindergardener and read a book to them that they brought. In some cases if they finished the story early the kindergardener was able to pick out a book of their choice. The students really enjoyed having a story read to them. So I think that we will be linking up again : )

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Since today is Wednesday today is EXHIBITION WORK DAY! This is just a gentle reminder that every Wednesday I will not be sending home homework so that you and your child can work on their exhibition.

REMEMBER: Milestone #2 is due tomorrow. Students are to bring in 3 facts that they have learned about their topic.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Library Book

I understand that the library has been calling people about the over due books. I really do apologize but I forgot to turn the books back in. ( I'm really sorry ) I will return then tonight.  : ) If there is a late fee I will pay it.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Milestone 2

Milestone #2 (Three facts) is due on Thursday, November 17. Please remember that the facts should be kid friendly and something that your child ACTUALLY learned.  When students turn in a completed milestone they will be able to participate in FREE DRESS on Friday, November 18.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Ampt Schedule

The Ampt schedule will change on Monday, November 7. The new schedule is:

Monday: PE (please remember your gym shoes)
Tuesday: (Technology)
Wednesday: (Art)
Thursday: ( PE )
Friday: (Technology)

Shinning Light

Nia was our class shinning light. She was chosen because she does a GREAT job being a leader for her friends!

Library Walk

Sorry this is late I misplaced the memory card. Oops : ) These are pictures taken when we walked to the Detroit Library.

Harvest Party/"Trick or Treating" at Henry Ford : )

Melvin showing off his costume
 In the morning we were joined by Ms. Josephson's class to put on a "fashion" show to show off our cool costumes. The children really enjoyed telling us who they were and what their costume did.
Deanna showing off her costume

One activity that students enjoyed is painting of a pumpkin.

Captain America even came to join the fun : )

The workers at Henry Ford were EXTREMELY nice and enjoyed having us there.


Wednesday from now on will be exhibition work day and no homework will be given. Please take this time to work with your child on their exhibition.  The next milestone; students will need to write down 3 facts that they learned about the topic chosen. Please contact me if you have any questions.