Take a peek inside our classroom : )

Thursday, October 13, 2011

10 plus 1

In math today we discussed what the "teen" numbers are. We talked about it representing 10 plus some more. For example: 15 is 10 plus 5 more.







Today in phonics students learned a new poem and was able to choose a favorite food and sound the out the word. Everybody did a FABULOUS job!!! Everybody was really proud of themselves!!!! GOOD JOB!!!

I love _______
Yum, Yum, Yum
I love _______
In my tum.

Xander shares his work about crab legs!

Nehemiah shares his work about hot dogs!

Fireman Shane!!!!!

Firefighter Shane came to visit us and teach us about fire safety. He talked about what to do in a fire and how important it is to have a meeting place for the family in case of danger.

watching a powerpoint about what's hot and what is not.

Mrs. Woosley even got into the fun!




Deanna and Nia are practicing get down low in case of a fire.

Jalen is practicing calling 911

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


On Wednesday students are able to go to technology class. Ms. K teachers them the importance of internet safety and how to maneuver on a laptop. Students are able to explore the keys and play games on the computer. Each student is able to get and use their own computer.

M is for "marble painting"

Today the students and I discussed the sound of "M" can be heard either in the front of a word or in the back of a word. We came up with different words for the letter M, and for fun made paintings with marbles.

Micheal and Amora shaking their paintings

The finished product : )

Shinning Light!

Yoji was last Friday's shinning light he did an amazing job during writer's workshop.  He talked about a festival that he attended over the weekend. He sounded everything out and kept on adding detail! WAY TO GO!!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Parents as Partners Meeting

This parents as Partners meeting will be about exhibitions. This meeting is EXTREMELY important since each child is expected to complete one. The meeting will take place Wednesday, October 12 and will start at 5:30 and end at 6:30. Please come out to learn what the expectations are for this REQUIRED project. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

New Linkable Page

I have bookmarked a new website to the blog. It's a web site that was created with different math and literacy games on-line. CHECK IT OUT : )


Jacob was the shinning light on September 30. He was chosen for making good choices while he was at school. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Guided Reading

This week students received a "new" guided reading bag with a book log in it. Please make sure that you are signing the book log daily this is the only way that I know that your child read to you.

In addition to the book students will coming home with a ring of words. These words are sight words that students will need to continue to practice daily. Please make sure your child goes over the words daily.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Old Magazines!!!!!

If you have old magazines (that are children friendly) that you are willing to donate to our classroom it would be appreciated. We do a lot of literacy activities using old magazines.  Thank you in advance! Examples: Ebony, Better home and Gardens, any type of catalogs. Please do not send Jet, or music magazines.